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CLASS WORKSHOP: Space Exploration for 3rd and 4th class

Boy colouring a Spaceman

Space exploration about rockets, landers, and other cool space stuff

Learn, create and play in this Space Exploration adventure for 3rd and 4th class. Learn the skills needed to be an astronaut and build your own rocket and landing module.

Training like an astronaut, learning a new language, considerations for designing a space suit, are just some elements of this Space Exploration workshop. That’s all before you tackle the challenge of making a rocket from some basic materials!  Once made, the children can delve into the conditions of a fair test and practice their estimation skills, to determine how far it flies. They follow the Engineering Design Process (EDP) and reflect and improve their designs if necessary.

Once we've taken off into space, we need a landing module! Using straws and strawbees connectors, the children build lander modules with parachutes and experiment with different parachute sizes and added payloads to see how fall speed is affected for landing. It's just a handful of connectors and a few straws away from making this lander module—which gives them scope to explore their creative design and building skills! Of course, testing the modules is great fun and the steps of MIC provide a great launch pad!

Primary school science curriculum links include Strand Unit: Energy & Forces, Strand Unit: Science and the Environment; and the Scientific Process Skill Development (Working scientifically, Questioning, Observing, Predicting, Investigating and experimenting, Estimating and measuring, Analyzing, Recording and Communicating, Evaluating, Designing and making).

Primary school mathematics curriculum links include: Strand Unit: Shape & Space (Patterns, Spatial Awareness, 3-D Shapes, 2-D Shapes, Symmetry, Lines & Angles); Strand Unit: Measure (Length, Area, Weight).

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